Read ahead for the Persona 5 Royal Tower Confidant Shinya Oda guide. The confidant abilities, available days, and dialogue options can be found below.
Beware for slight spoilers!
Shinya Oda Confidant Guide
Shinya Oda is the Tower Confidant in Persona 5 Royal. Maxing out his Confidant unlocks the fusion of Mada. The player will also receive an item from him near the end of the game which will unlock all gun techniques once his confidant is unlocked in New Game Plus.
Shinya Oda Availability
Shinya's Confidant can be started as soon as September 4th after attempting the Mementos Request “Winners Don't Use Cheats.” Shinya will aid the Phantom Thieves with the request by meeting him inside the Akihabara arcade.
Time can be spent with Shinya on Monday, Thursday, and Saturday Days. He's available all day on Rainy Days.
Note that some events in the game may override this.
He has a Hangout Event at Dome Town.
Shinya Oda Confidant Skills
- Rank 1 – Down Shot
- Allows you to knock down an enemy with a special shot once per infiltration.
- Rank 2 – Bullet Hail
- Chance to enter a gun-based All-Out Attack after a successful ambush.
- Rank 3 – Warning Shot
- Able to scare enemies in negotiation to make it easier to obtain a Persona.
- Rank 4 – N/A
- Rank 5 – Laced Bullets
- Increases the success rate of an ailment-inflicting gunshot.
- Rank 6 – Cheap Shot
- Allows you to use Down Shot three times per infiltration.
- Rank 7 – N/A
- Rank 8 – Electric Slug
- Increases the damage inflicted by Bullet Hail.
- Rank 9 – N/A
- Rank MAX – Oda Special
- Allows Joker's gun attacks to ignore resistances and hit the enemy.
Shinya Oda Dialogue Options Guide
The Confidant points below assume that you have a Persona of the Tower arcana.
Rank 1
- “How'd you do it?”
- Through a secret exchange. 0
- Through a bulletin board. 0
- “So tell me more about the Phantom Thieves!”
- It's a deal. 0
- Leave it to me. 0
- Depends on the trump card. 0
- “Hey, we should exchange IDs. It's not like I'm here every day, so…”
- Call me when it's game time. +2
- Sure. +1
- Do we have to? +1
Rank 2
- “Thanks to you taking so long to figure it out…”
- Don't compare me to you. +3
- Sorry… +2
- Praise would be encouraging. 0
- “*sigh*”
- What a rude employee. +2
- Let's go. 0
- Something bothering you? 0
- “…I need to get really strong, like the Phantom Thieves.”
- Do you admire them? +2
- Are they strong? 0
- “I believe in the Phantom Thieves and their strength.”
- So do I. +3
- I'll let them know. +3
- They're more than strong. 0
- “Everyone sucks at first, but you can get good if you do
it every day!”- I'll work hard. +2
- So then I can beat you? +2
- If I feel like it. 0
Rank 3
- “All they did today was throw eraser crumbs into my lunch, though, so I won that round.”
- Are they bullying you? 0
- Sounds like fun. 0
- You shouldn't waste food. 0
- “That's why I gotta get stronger!”
- That's the spirit. +2
- Want to learn martial arts? 0
- You really love your mom. 0
- “Maybe we can go eat something again while we're at it?”
- Sure. +2
- If our schedules line up. 0
- Any food requests?
Rank 4
- “You cheated, didn't you!?”
- Yeah, you tell him! +2
- Calm down. 0
- You're being a sore loser. 0
- “You've gotta be kidding me…”
- Get your revenge. +2
- Don't get so worked up. 0
- Pros are amazing, huh?
Rank 5
- “I mean, I couldn't do anything to him… There's just no way.”
- It was pretty weird. +3
- He must've rigged it. +3
- It happens. 0
- “I'm definitely gonna demolish him!”
- I'm sure you can do it. +2
- You think you have a chance? 0
- Don't get so worked up. 0
- “The strategy I used last time didn't work…”
- You need a new strategy. +3
- Are you going to give up? +2
- “I gotta think of a new strategy by the next time I challenge him!”
- I'll be cheering you on. +2
- Think you can take him? +2
- You're a sharp kid. 0
Rank 6
- “The games are on me today… Just be sure to keep up.”
- I can pay for myself. 0
- If you insist. 0
- Do you have enough? 0
- “I'm not a bad guy… am I…?”
- You should return the money. 0
- You're acting like one. 0
- “I won't do it again… I don't wanna be a bad guy.”
- I believe in you. +3
- That's good. +2
- “Um… do you… hate me now?”
- Not at all. +3
- A little bit. 0
- I'm worried about you. 0
- “Are you sure you aren't gonna hate
me?”- Of course I won't. +2
- That's up to you. 0
- I'm your big brother, right? 0
Rank 7
- “So? Are you the one who's been such a bad influence on my Shinya?”
- I haven't done anything. 0
- Calm down. 0
- Bad influence? 0
- “Come on, Shinya, we're going home!”
- Take it easy on him. 0
- Think about his feelings. 0
- “If you keep meddling with him, I'm going to call the police!”
- Bring it on, lady. 0
- I haven't done anything. 0
- That wouldn't be good. 0
- “To change my mom back… to the way she used to be…”
- What's your mom's name? 0
- Tell me about your mom. 0
Rank 8
- “So she IS bad after all…”
- No, she's not. +2
- Is that what you think? +2
- She's out of control. 0
- “Do you think they'll actually be able to change her heart?”
- Believe in them. +3
- It'll all work out. +2
- I can't guarantee it. 0
- “…Okay, I'll do it.”
- Is it too much for you? 0
- Way to step up. 0
- “That's why I wanna help the Phantom Thieves. I wanna stop my mom.”
- Let's save her. +3
- That's admirable. +3
Rank 9 (completion of the Mementos Request “A Mother's Aggression” is required to progress.)
- “She broke down crying and told me that she'll be a better mother from now on…”
- I'm glad to hear that. +3
- That's hard to believe. 0
- Thank the Phantom Thieves. +2
- “Am I weird… for feeling happy about losing? I mean, all I cared about before was winning.”
- No, that makes sense. +3
- It means you've matured. +3
- A little bit, yeah. +2
- “I wonder why he's cheating…”
- He wants to win at all costs. +2
- He's too lazy to practice. 0
- I wouldn't know… 0
- “I'm so glad she's back to her old self! I'm so thankful
for the Phantom Thieves!”- Your wish came true. +2
- You really think it was them? +2
- You did a great job too. +2
Rank 10
- “I've got nothing left to teach you. You're an elite player now.”
- Thanks to my teacher. +3
- Thanks to my hard work. +2
- “…I'm so happy right now.”
- You made new friends. +3
- You got your revenge. 0
- You made things right. +2
- “Will that help me become a member of the Phantom Thieves?”
- I'll let you in. 0
- Ask them yourself. 0