Get lyrics of Buckle up song you love. List contains Buckle up song lyrics of older one songs and hot new releases. Get known every word of your favorite song or start your own karaoke party tonight :-).
"Buckle Up". Well my name is mc. I'm a badass mother. If I'm at Dunkin' Donuts then I'm ordering a cruller. Better vacate the premises. I'm your new nemesis

We're all in the car, I'm sitting in my seat. First thing that I check is, am I buckled up (I'm buckled up. Oh yeah) Am I buckled up. Beep, beep, buckle up. Bouncing ...

Lyrics to 'Buckle Up' by Blondie. Country cousins stepping out on city sides / Want to warm you and wish you a lovely time / Dirty dozens gonna push their. Crunk Witch - Buckle Up Mary Lyrics
Lyrics for Buckle Up Mary by Crunk Witch. ... Sign inSign up. LyricsBuckle Up Mary. Crunk Witch. Lyrics not available. Be the first to add the lyrics and earn points. Radio Raps - Buckle Up lyrics
Lyrics for Buckle Up by Radio Raps. ... Buckle Up - Lyrics. Radio Raps. Lyrics not available. Be the first to add the lyrics and earn points. Add lyrics. Musixmatch ... The Refreshments - Buckle Up lyrics
Feb 16, 2016 Lyrics for Buckle Up by The Refreshments. Buckle up J. Arnell I wanna ride with you honey all night long Ride with you honey ´til the mornin´ ... Crunkasaurus Rex - Buckle Up, Kids! lyrics
Lyrics for Buckle Up, Kids! by Crunkasaurus Rex. As years go by I'm growing older I'll take care of myself We'll hold out through this winter We'll hold on, We'll ... R KELLY LYRICS - Ignition
So buckle up 'cause this can get bumpy, babe. Girl, we gon' mess around and get a ticket, babe 'Cause we off up in this jeep. We foggin' up the windows

Well this is awkward. We don't have these lyrics yet. Care to add them? Submit lyrics. Song Discussions is protected by U.S. Patent 9401941. Other patents ...

So buckle up nigga, knuckle up nigga (Hoody Hoo!) That's the code for them killas (Hoody Hoo!) Buckle up, knuckle up (What you wanna do?) (Hoody Hoo!) Join the Riot - Buckle Up lyrics
Jun 18, 2015 And baby I'm the only one But it took me ages to understand It gets blurry every time you are gone So buckle up It's gonna be a long rough ... BON JOVI LYRICS - Born To Be My Baby
Buckle up, baby, it's a bumpy ride. We're two kids hitching down the road of life. Our world, our fight. If we stand side by side (all night) There's a chance we'll get ... JEREMIH LYRICS - Paris (Who Taught You)
Lyrics to "Paris (Who Taught You)" song by JEREMIH: Huh? Who taught you that ? Huh? Who taught you how to buckle up when you ride it? Like six flags in t... JOIN THE RIOT - BUCKLE UP LYRICS
Join the Riot - Buckle Up Lyrics. I'm sorry I'm the lonely one I'm sorry I let you down I'm sorry you're going now And baby I'm the only one But it took me ages to ... MoRuf - BuckleUp Lyrics
MoRuf BuckleUp Lyrics. BuckleUp lyrics performed by MoRuf: Can we talk? Talk with your new girlfriend I took the whole new' She date' PATCH THE PIRATE - BUCKLE UP! LYRICS
Patch the Pirate - Buckle Up! Lyrics. Always tell the truth in everything you say. God will give you courage when you stop and pray. Love a life that's honest in the ... DARREN HAYES LYRICS - Ride
Up until now it's all I let you see. I used to reveal ... Buckle up right now. Baby come on. Feels like I've been locked up all my life. Held down denied the right to ... SKATE LYRICS - Verse
We walk up in the club throw a thousand a piece. ... I pull up with some hoes and kick 'em out in the morning. ... And if you ain't strapped yet, better buckle it up, WILLOW SMITH LYRICS - Waves Of Nature
I know you don't know the time, it's all up in your mind. But I can't get with it, no. I can't get ... Gotta buckle up, better hold on tight. Gotta get in your right side of ... THE CARBURETORS - BUCKLE UP LYRICS
The Carburetors - Buckle Up Lyrics. Buckle Up We got a 100 to go I wanna go now Cuz I miss her so My engine's running just for her For my baby's love it ain't ... RIHANNA LYRICS - Rude Boy
Tonight I'm a let you. Be a rider. Giddy up. Giddy up. Giddy up, babe. Tonight ... Buckle up. I'm a give it to you. Stronger Hands up. We can go a little. Longer DIRTY PROJECTORS - BUCKLE UP LYRICS
Dirty Projectors - Buckle Up Lyrics. You and me are lovers We both love each other Naturally or naturally some days better than others You make sure I'm crying ... RAINMODE - BUCKLE UP (RADIO EDIT) LYRICS
Rainmode - Buckle Up (Radio Edit) Lyrics. Days have turned into years and laughter blended with tears So thankful life took this route You know me inside and ... CRUNKASAURUS REX - BUCKLE UP, KIDS! LYRICS
Crunkasaurus Rex - Buckle Up, Kids! Lyrics. As years go by I'm growing older I'll take care of myself We'll hold out through this winter We'll hold on, We'll stay ... PHOENIX LYRICS - Chloroform
Buckle up, we'll chase each other. It's not a lot it's just enough to matter. Anyway you want the truth is. I will marry you on Tuesdays I don't always tell the truth SPARKS LYRICS - Aeroflot
We're flying Aeroflot, we're flying Aeroflot Buckle up, buckle up, buckle up, daddy- o. Stow your bags overhead or it ain't a go. Buckle up, buckle up, buckle up, ...