Some brides have done the most unexpected things, from throwing tantrums on their big day to kicking out their bridesmaids over petty issues. These women were in a bad mood when they made decisions that hurt the people around them.
The day a woman ties the knot with the man she loves is one of the most important days of her life. It marks the beginning of a new chapter of her life, but it also comes with uncertainty and fear.
The fear and anxiety often annoy brides while planning their wedding. They want things to go their way, and even the slightest inconvenience sometimes makes them break down and turn into bridezilla.

A bride covers her mouth while yawning | Source: Shutterstock
Some netizens on Reddit shared stories of brides-to-be who got extremely difficult to deal with. Even their family and friends weren't expecting them to act like that.
Comments have been edited for clarity and grammar.
1. Pregnant Women Are Not Allowed
u/hulagirl4737: I knew a woman who was a bridesmaid in a relative's wedding. She was married and had been trying to get pregnant for a while. Finally, she and her hubby got lucky, and she conceived. Meanwhile, the bridezilla got furious and kicked her out of the wedding.

A happy woman holding a pregnancy test | Source: Shutterstock
The bride-to-be was angry because the bridesmaid would look pregnant in the pictures. Three months later, sadly, the woman miscarried. The bride called her with a response similar to "Good, well now you can be back in the wedding." Needless to say, she did not even attend it.
2. The Bride Wanted a Photoshoot
u/nadia61: It was a stinking hot, humid day, and nobody wanted to be outside for the outdoor wedding. We were doing wedding party photos, and everyone was dripping in sweat, and about to pass out, so we decided to finish the rest of the pics in a nice shady spot. Meanwhile, the bride had other demands.

Arrangements for an outdoor wedding | Source: Pexels
She threw an actual, honest-to-God tantrum to make the party hike across the venue grounds to get shots in front of a full-sun pond. None of her bridesmaids wanted to do the ten-minute walk in their heels, and it would have been a terrible spot for photos, which we mentioned. She pouted her way through the rest, and they divorced a year later.
3. Couldn't You Wait, Grandma?
u/kidtendomom: I had a friend who threw a temper tantrum with screaming and foot stomping because her grandmother dared to die a few hours before her wedding.

Close-up of a coffin | Source: Shutterstock
The bride-to-be said it would throw off the seating arrangements because now there would be a big empty spot. She is currently halfway through her 2nd divorce.
4. What a Selfish Man!
u/Blazingwand: Two weeks before my girlfriend's mother was to tie the knot, her future brother-in-law went missing. He was supposed to be the best man, but he went missing after he went out for a delivery. No one knew where he went. On the morning of the wedding, the groom-to-be got a call that the police had found his brother. They found him dead in a ditch, and his delivery truck had disappeared.

A delivery man standing next to boxes behind the back of a van | Source: Pexels
The husband-to-be was horrified and told the bride he couldn't get married that day. She slapped him and stormed out, screaming that she couldn't believe HE could be so selfish and that today wasn't just about him and his stupid brother. My girlfriend was just as mad. Me and the groom-to-be left them that day, and we are good friends to this day.
5. She Replaced Her Bridesmaid
u/boredlike: I went to a wedding where the bride had replaced a bridesmaid of her at the last minute because of a tiny issue. The bride was very particular about her requirements.

An angry bride standing with her arms folded on her chest | Source: Shutterstock
The bridesmaid she replaced had dyed her hair a slightly lighter brown the night before the wedding. Apparently, it didn't match the bright pink dress.
6. The Violent Bride
u/isstronglikebull: My friend, the bride, had this massive, billowing explosion of organza as a skirt. It was beautiful but utterly impractically designed. She had been drinking on an empty stomach, and on the second trip to the restroom with all of us holding this dress up while she hovered drunkenly over a toilet she couldn't see, she ordered me to wipe her.

A toilet signboard | Source: Pexels
I declined. So, she slapped me. All parties dropped the skirt while I shouted obscenities at her. She screamed that this friendship was over if I didn't do this for her! Over! She tried to apologize years later but seemed surprised when I was not interested in rekindling our friendship.
7. The Hairdo
u/Carsons_mom: As a hairstylist, I've seen a few bridezillas. This one affected me directly. So, mid-week, a woman comes in and asks about updos for a wedding that upcoming weekend. She told my boss that she wanted something "funky" done with her hair. My boss then booked her with me. It's Saturday morning, and she's in my chair. I get started. I am nearly finished when she starts complaining that she wanted more of a classic Audrey Hepburn style.

A woman getting her hair curled | Source: Pexels
I'm confused because it's too late to change, and my next client has arrived. This woman loses it. She says I wasn't listening to her and calls her mother to talk sense into me. She is almost in tears, wondering how to explain her hair to her future in-laws. Her mom arrives and tells her that her hair looks beautiful, pays me, and drags her out of the salon. It was a shocking experience for everyone.
8. The Groom's Alarm Went Off
u/EewStopitNow: My boyfriend's brother got married, and the groom's phone alarm went off in his pocket in the middle of the ceremony. The bride flipped out and interrupted the pastor to reach into the groom's pocket for his phone, which he had already silenced. Then, she started complaining, "I can't believe you let your phone go off in the middle of our wedding."

A couple at their wedding | Source: Shutterstock
She handed it to the maid of honor and said, "Remind me to smash that later." She also rolled her eyes when the pastor was talking about God, chatted with the groom during the talk about keeping a marriage together, and, during the vows part, interrupted the pastor to say, "The father, the son, the holy spirit, yeah I know."
9. You Ruined My Big Day!
u/AlannaBraavos: The bride was very mean. The groom proposed when she told him she was pregnant. She later said she had a miscarriage. At that point, his friends urged him to call it off. The best man spent the morning of the wedding trying to convince him that it wasn't too late. Soon, the wedding table was organized with men on one side and women on the other since all the groomsmen refused to sit beside her. When the bride looked up during the reception to see she was the only woman at the table, she stormed off into the ladies' room, where she found the bridesmaids. The youngest bridesmaid, thirteen, had officially entered womanhood.

A woman in a floral dress | Source: Pexels
Unprepared, she had hung out in the ladies' room until someone she knew arrived. The two older bridesmaids were trying to find a solution. This was not good enough for Bridezilla, who screamed, blaming the junior bridesmaid for ruining her wedding deliberately. She demanded that the other two bridesmaids come out and attend her immediately. She yelled so loudly that every person at the reception knew what had happened. Apparently, a guest ran in to help with supplies. Older two bridesmaids eventually come out and sit at the bridal table because Bridezilla wouldn't shut up until they did. Indeed, the groomsmen felt that they had TMI.
10. The Unacceptable Sunset
u/Himsjustaboy: I was working at a popular vacation spot on the East Coast where a bride wanted her ceremony on the beach at sunset, with the sun setting over the water.

A bride and groom at a beach | Source: Pexels
She lost her cool upon learning that the sun would be setting over land, not the water. She did not understand that the sun sets in the west and she was on the east coast.
11. I Was the Replacement
u/[deleted]: I was a replacement bridesmaid at a wedding at the last minute... because the woman I was replacing had been sent to prison for beating her child.

Close-up of a police vehicle | Source: Pexels
The problem was that the original bridesmaid was two feet shorter and two hundred pounds heavier than me. It was an epic dash to find me a dress that day.
12. The Bride in Another Country
u/rammaam: I once flew into a foreign country for this woman's wedding since I was a bridesmaid. During the time I was there, I witnessed her shoving her daughter, starving and neglecting her pets, constantly fighting with her fiancé, trying to control what I ate, accusing me of stealing from her since I took a Pepsi from the refrigerator after they said to make myself at home, freaking out the night before as we were setting up because everything was wrong.

Two women arguing with each other | Source: Shutterstock
After the day had come and gone and I flew home, I got an email about a month later saying, "You really annoyed everyone! They all found you rude and lazy. My husband isn't calling you names. He's only calling you out on how you are." I told her to have a good life and blocked her. The next thing I knew, someone threatened and harassed my friends and family, made fake profiles with my name and photo, and added my number and address on Facebook with some unsuitable messages.
13. My Aunt
u/[deleted]: My father is one of eight and has four sisters. My grandfather, who worked hard all his life, lived on his pension for twenty years after retirement. He had paid for the weddings of each of his girls. My aunt, who was getting married for the third time, lost her cool when my grandfather refused to pay for her 300-person island wedding in the Bahamas. He was cool with paying for a small wedding in their hometown and offered to fund her honeymoon to the Bahamas. He had paid for both her honeymoons previously.

A man looking outside a window with a phone in his hand | Source: Shutterstock
She responded to that offer by calling him stingy and saying she was glad my grandmother died young because she didn't have to see her husband turn greedy. So finally, with the family's support, my grandfather told her to pay for her wedding. This happened about five years ago, and the aunt hasn't contacted anyone but my other aunt since. Apparently, she divorced her third husband and "retired" at 45 to live in a condo in Florida. She's living off the settlements from the divorces.
14. I Couldn't Attend the Wedding
u/[deleted]: I work in an industry with a busy season, so you cannot get time off toward the end except in life-or-death situations. When my wife's sister let us know (3 months in advance) that she was getting married just after the busy season, I told her that I was glad it was then because if it had been even three days earlier, I wouldn't be able to attend it due to the time it would take to travel 900 miles to be there. The next day, she called to tell us they'd moved the wedding to two weeks earlier.

A woman talking on a phone call | Source: Shutterstock
I apologetically explained to her that I couldn't be there because it would end my career. She didn't listen to a word I said and tried to guilt trip me into going. Despite them knowing I wouldn't attend in this situation even before they changed the wedding date, I would get phone calls every other day with either SIL or MIL yelling and screaming at me because I was going to ruin the wedding by not being there. My wife went to the wedding. I ate a pizza. It was friggin' delicious.
15. The Mother-Zilla
u/Trei_Gamer: My mother went full-on mother-zilla 2 hours before my wedding, insisting that I didn't want her to be a part of the wedding because my wife's family rearranged the table in the reception hall that she had arranged the night before for the rehearsal.

An angry older woman warning with her finger | Source: Shutterstock
I couldn't believe I had to say, "I am getting married in 2 hours, and you want to make this all about you?!" Funerals and weddings bring out the worst in families. It is kind of disheartening.
16. No Food, No Water
u/DrewTip: I used to work for a tent company, and we would set up for weddings. Once, it was 95 degrees outside in the middle of July, and we were all suffering. This was a large wedding with a large tent, stage, dance floor, tables, chairs, plates, silverware, lights, etc. When we arrived at the bride's parents' house at 7 a.m., she was nice and calm. She said she would buy us all lunch around noon to thank us for our hard work. She also said she would bring us water since it was so hot out, and we could tap into the keg when we were done. Great deal, right? Wrong. At around noon, we had gotten the tent up, the lighting done, and the stage and dance floor partially set up. She rushed outside, saying we had to move the tent three feet.

A wedding setup inside a tent | Source: Pexels
My initial response was, "Are you kidding me?" She wasn't. After talking it over with her, we decided to move the tent (we had to since the customer is always right. Even when they say this is where I want the tent to go. We put it up, and she changed her mind). We take it down, move the tent 3 feet, and put it back up. It is now pushing 8 p.m. No water, lunch, or dinner. 10 p.m. rolls around, and we are unloading tables. She stormed out, saying, "You are making too much noise!!! BE QUIET." One guy I worked with asked, "Can we please get some water now? We drank all of the water that we brought." She goes, "Umm... The hose is around the back; take some, but not too much. Water is expensive."
17. Everyone Wanted to Leave
u/[deleted]: I attended the wedding of a family friend's daughter, so I didn't really know her. It was a nighttime reception, probably from 6 p.m.-11 or 12, the ceremony immediately preceding. We expected a buffet when we went into the reception, but there was nothing. Later, we found out that there was no food for the 120 guests, but rather a cheese spread, fruit platter, and vegetables with dip. An hour later, people started feeling hungry, and some began to leave.

A person holding a plate of fruits | Source: Pexels
When the bride found out, she ran across the room in her dress and blocked the doors, screaming about how everyone was ruining her wedding. She yelled, "Bride's Day, Bride's Way!" It was such a scene that her father had to peel her off the door. Meanwhile, the people who didn't know her that well all left. I heard through the grapevine that she was inconsolable the entire night and even threw up.
18. My Aunt and Sister
u/omneeatlas: My sister was a bridesmaid at my 38-year-old aunt's wedding. During a practice at the church, my aunt shouted at my sister for walking out of time. My sister was only seven then, and to have a seriously stressed bridezilla in her face because she didn't put her foot in the right place at the right time was terrifying. She burst into tears, and according to my mum, my aunt said, "Oh, and NOW she's crying. Can you remind me how old you are?!"

A young bridesmaid standing with other bridesmaids in front of the bride | Source: Pexels
My mum was furious at her. My aunt is stubborn, so for a few weeks, my mum told my aunt to find a new bridesmaid. My aunt wouldn't budge until my grandmother eventually begged her to for the sake of the wedding. Even now, my sister isn't fond of my aunt. My aunt is still extremely fussy. She now has a young daughter, whom she treats like a queen. If anything happens to her, she turns into Hulk.
19. My Wedding Is More Important
u/syriquez: It is not my experience, but an ex-coworker narrated this incident. He and his wife went to a wedding in Hawaii and took a full two weeks of vacation to do so (they arrived two days before the wedding, which was on a Saturday). They figured that if they went to Hawaii for this wedding, they'd make it worthwhile and take a vacation.

Passengers in an airplane | Source: Shutterstock
Apparently, they were the only couple that elected to do that. The bride lost her cool when she found out. She yelled, "THIS IS MY WEDDING! WHY IS IT JUST A FOOTNOTE FOR YOUR VACATION NOW?!" His wife apparently laughed in her face and told her to call if she decided to grow up about it. To her credit, the bride did call later to apologize profusely for her outburst. Nerves, I guess.
20. The Winter-Themed Wedding
u/kittenhiccups: I was a bridesmaid in this winter-themed wedding. We wore blue silk dresses with white fake fur capelets and MUFFS. We were getting ready for the ceremony at one point, and the bride said, "Kittenhiccups, let me see your muff." I batted my eyelashes and joked, "I've waited so long to hear those words from you!"

Close-up of a woman smiling | Source: Shutterstock
The look she shot me could have made a moose die. She started going off on me about not taking things seriously enough, and maybe I should go hang out with the groomsmen instead if I was going to make lewd jokes. Yeah. Perhaps I should have.
21. Only Six Guests from His Side
u/Gipperfish: My brother's first wife wouldn't allow any of our family she hadn't met into the wedding. We've got a big family, so this would mean inviting one cousin she had met but not their parents or siblings who lived out of town, etc. We offered to hold an engagement party so she could get to know some of our out-of-towners, but she declined.

A worried bride looking at a tablet | Source: Shutterstock
She said she didn't want to invite family members she had only met once and didn't know very well. In the end, we decided to go with immediate family only. We figured doing this would be less awkward and rude than picking and choosing between family. As a result, my brother had six people at his wedding and around 65 from the bride's side.
22. The Groom Left Her
u/hotmoves: My girlfriend and I returned to our hotel on the night of my brother's wedding. Down the hall was an after-party for a different wedding, with people in tuxes and bridesmaids' dresses drinking and partying in their room. As we walked by, the bride stormed out screaming into a cell phone, telling someone to get back there right now.

A bride screaming while talking on her phone | Source: Shutterstock
As she hung up, she screamed into the room with the party, "Who abandons their bride on their wedding night?!" Apparently, the groom was at a bar down the street with some friends. I don't know if she constitutes a bridezilla since she made a good point. Who leaves their bride on their wedding night?
23. My Cousin Was the Bridezilla
u/livmaj: I was dating my cousin's best friend before my cousin and his now-wife got married. I was a bridesmaid, while my then-boyfriend was the best man. Before the wedding, my boyfriend and I broke up. As a result, I got an email from the bride-to-be telling me I was no longer a bridesmaid.

A woman looking at her phone | Source: Shutterstock
I said that's not a problem. I saw that coming, but as I was living 3000km away then, I politely explained that it was unlikely that I would make the trip out. My cousin lost her cool. She severed ties with me and told me my family was no longer welcome at the wedding. To this day, my family does not speak with my cousin's family because of her.
24. My Best Friend's Wedding
u/Ihadacow: My best friend, who is usually very sweet and quiet, was rude when she got married. First, she told me when I would have her bridal shower (she set a date without consulting me) at my house and what I would be serving. I was in the middle of my honors year of my bachelor's degree in another city (a 15-hour drive away), and the date she set was in the middle of my exams. She also planned on making all sorts of things for her wedding to save money (aisle runner, centerpieces, arch, veil, etc.).

A worried woman using her laptop | Source: Shutterstock
I came into town the night before the wedding when she told me, "I didn't have time to make anything, so I need you to do it." I stayed up all night sewing and arranging flowers while she slept. It was in the middle of winter, and the floor was dirty when we arrived at the hall. There was nothing to clean it with but a bucket and a cloth. So, after working all night, I had to clean the floor on my hands and knees. I was exhausted, sore, and hated every minute of her wedding. I didn't talk to her for months after that.
25. I Lost a Friend
u/SeabgfKirby: My friend of eight years was getting married and asked me to be her bridesmaid. I agreed, unaware that she would be a big-headed ego bridezilla. She demanded everyone wear these hideous dresses we had to pay for and asked us to dye our hair because she wanted to be the only one with blonde hair. I have naturally blonde hair and didn't want to dye it for a day. She got angry and replaced me with another girl.

A woman with short, blonde hair | Source: Shutterstock
Next, she had the nerve to ask everyone who wasn't in her bridal party to pay $80 per guest ($160 for me and my boyfriend) for food. She was having a BBQ buffet. She also expected a present valued above $50. She sent all of this via Facebook. I replied I would either pay for the food or a gift. I got a hard copy invite recently and realized her wedding was on the day my boyfriend is doing the Tough Mudder competition. I chose that over her wedding.
26. My Sister's Wedding
u/blue_lotion: My sister was self-centered for about six months, and her coup de grâce was the wedding day. I know it was all nerves, so I don't harbor any grudges, but ugh, I wouldn't relive that day for all the money in the world.

A stressed bride | Source: Shutterstock
My strongest memory is her holding a bag of her things and SCREAMING on the church steps, "Why am I holding something? WILL SOMEONE EXPLAIN TO ME WHY I AM HOLDING SOMETHING ON MY WEDDING DAY??? Someone better take this out of my hands immediately."
27. The Brother's Girlfriend
u/[deleted]: The bride's brother's girlfriend was a bridesmaid at my cousin's wedding. The rest of the bridal party were either close friends or family. During the wedding pictures, the bride made us take two of every photo: one with the girlfriend and another without her.

A couple holding the bride's hand | Source: Shutterstock
The bride was throwing a fit about it. She didn't want to look at the pictures years down the road in the case that they broke up. Yeah, I'm sure we'd all collectively forget the girlfriend was even there. Meanwhile, the girlfriend played along, but everyone could tell she felt upset.
28. My Sister's Demands
u/SyzygyTooms: My sister was a bridezilla before her wedding. She told me over text that my younger sister and I were no longer allowed to be her bridesmaids because we weren't "enthusiastic" enough, referring to the fact that we had yet to buy her something from her costly registry. For example, tiny hand towels that are $60 each

A woman sitting on a desk with her head resting on her hands | Source: Shutterstock
Besides that, she asked my sister to re-dye the very thin purple streak in her hair because it would "take away the attention that's supposed to be on me." A few months ago, I told my family I was interested in women instead of men, and she told me to stop talking about it because it was "her year." She also asked me to bring a "normal" date. This situation has put a strain on our relationship.
29. The Bride Didn't Like My Hair Color
u/invincibelle: I was a bridesmaid for my brother and his fiancée's wedding, along with my twin sister and about 6/7 other bridesmaids. For the past six months before this happened, I had been gradually lightening my hair from my natural dark brown to entirely blonde. Note that it was a naturally highlighted blonde color, and I always had my roots done, so it didn't look fake.

A woman getting her hair treated by a hairstylist | Source: Shutterstock
My brother's fiancée often told me she didn't like my hair. That's not the nicest thing to say, but whatever. I did it for myself, not for her. She later told me that she would make me dye my hair back for the wedding. She would have done the same to my sister, who is naturally ginger, if not for the fact that she would have gotten a right bollocking.
30. The Bride Was Angry
u/HunterPineapple: I worked weddings all through high school as basically catering staff at a country club, and I remember this one time I was serving appetizers to the bride and bridesmaids when suddenly the bride went off on a couple of the bridesmaids because of their makeup/jewelry stuff. I don't quite remember how it started, but the bride snapped and screamed at everyone an hour before the ceremony.

An angry bride stopping someone with her hand | Source: Shutterstock
I later found out that the bride didn't get her way on many things like the cake, music playlist, etc., and her huge outburst was basically the straw that broke the camel's back. It was a lovely wedding, though. She wound up hitting on the bartender, and the groom was hitting on a bridesmaid by the night's end. That was a unique shift.
31. Where's My Wife?
u/mattgoldsmith: A male relative in my extended family was marrying an Italian girl. Of course, they needed a strictly Italian wedding, so apparently, it came down to like $50,000, and the bride's family wrote a check for 2-3 thousand dollars and asked the groom to deal with it.

A groom looking outside a window with his bride standing in the background | Source: Pexels
About six months after the wedding, the man came home from a trip to discover that his wife had taken everything in the house that she could and disappeared. His house was empty. She took his clothes' hangers and left his clothes in a pile. I don't know where he's now, but stay safe, people.
32. The Bride's Rules
u/irishpwr46: The wedding started at 11, but the bride put 10:30 on the invitations to ensure people wouldn't be late. She is from one country, and my buddy is from another. She wouldn't allow any of his home music to be played while she subjected us to over an hour straight of hers. She made the DJ go from table to table, asking people to stand and dance to her "cultural" music.

Guests dancing with the bride at her wedding | Source: Pexels
It's one of those places where people just hold hands and dance in a circle, doing the same thing repeatedly for over an hour. I was at the bridal party, and she had the bartender cut us off during pictures because she didn't want anyone to be drunk. She wouldn't allow the groom to have any alcohol because she doesn't like to drink.
33. The 20th Anniversary
u/[deleted]: This is about a guy I knew. We will call him "Stan." Well, Stan is married, and he has been for about 20 years. When his 20th anniversary rolled around, he decided his gift to his wife "Francine" would be them renewing their vows. Everything was going well until Stan joked a week before the ceremony that he only married her for her looks. Francine didn't like the joke and was upset. She overreacted, but everything seemed to return to normal by the next day because she went ahead with all the plans to prepare for the ceremony.

An angry woman | Source: Shutterstock
She went for four days to spend time with her parents and at a spa. At the end of the four days, the ceremony was supposed to happen, and we all showed up at the church and waited for her to arrive in a limo. She showed up looking atrocious, I mean, just terrible. She looked bloated, her acne was back in full force, and her eyebrows formed into one thick unibrow. Her teeth were yellow and covered in plague, and her mustache was coming in. It was bad. She did this all because of the joke Stan made about him marrying her just for her looks. It was unbelievable!
34. The Bride's Mother
u/RemorsefulSurvivor: I was working as a caterer at a wedding. Everything was going well until the bride's mother found a single spot on a knife in a single setting.

Close-up of cutlery on a table | Source: Pexels
She demanded that the entire reception ($60,000) be complimentary. She was not writing the check, so she was shot down pretty quickly. But there was much rage.
35. The Maid of Honor
u/ILIKETODRINKBBT: I was the maid of honor at my friend's wedding. She didn't allow anyone to wear heels because she didn't want anyone to be taller than her. She was already at least 3 inches taller than any girl at her wedding. Besides that, no one was allowed to wear fake lashes because only she wanted to wear them. Before her big day, we had meetings twice a week for at least three hours, and she asked us to recite the rundown schedule at the bridal party to prove we knew everything. She screamed at all the bridesmaids behind the scenes and was sweet to us in front of the guests.

A bride holding her heels | Source: Pexels
She also wouldn't let us bridesmaids in short dresses (knee high, no sleeves, minimal coverage) wear any outerwear while we were taking pictures outdoors. It was snowing and zero degrees outside! A year later, she hosted an anniversary party where I cooked and cleaned for her all day. She told me the party started at noon, while it started at 6, so I could come and work for her. At the party, she introduced me to one of her friends, who said how nice it was for me to help with everything. AND I KID YOU NOT, MY FRIEND SAID, "Oh, that's what the 'maid' in the maid of honor is for."
36. I Spent a Lot of Money
u/GnomosexualTendency: My wife (girlfriend at the time) was the maid of honor at her cousin's wedding. She was kept on a very tight schedule for sixteen months, including multiple mandatory three-day-long events for crafting the decorations. We were hit up for money several times for buying things that weren't in our budget. At the time, she was working at a Starbucks part-time and going to grad school, so she was not exactly raking in the dough, but the assumption was that since I made a good living, she didn't need the money she made. A party bus to roll around and take pictures after the ceremony was the biggest one that stuck out.

Close-up of a man with an empty wallet | Source: Pexels
So the day rolls around, and I'm pressed into duty shuttling people here and there, and I get a call. My girlfriend asked me to buy drinks for the party bus as a gift. I spent around a hundred bucks on about thirty packs and some bottles. After the ceremony, people board the bus, and I am informed, "Sorry, this is for the wedding party and spouses only. No boyfriends!" The bus I helped pay for, containing the drinks I paid for, is inaccessible. My girlfriend and I spent over two grand on several things during the wedding. And here I sat at the reception with nothing to show but a glass of a 50-cent drink and Kmart brand soda.
37. My Stepsister's Wedding
u/menstrualpancakes: My stepsister lost her cool at me, and then my mom, then her mom, then her dad, and then all the other bridesmaids, and then back at me because I wanted to wear my diamond stud earrings.

Close-up of diamond stud earrings | Source: Pexels
She wanted me to buy golden hoops, but I have very sensitive ears, so I can't buy cheap earrings. They give me burning, itching ears. Moreover, I have long hair anyway, so no one would even see my ears.
38. Acrylic Nails
u/xaarlynt: I'm only 22, so my friends haven't started getting married yet. But my (terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad) step-aunt married my uncle when I was eleven and asked me to be a junior bridesmaid. She threw a Bridezilla-status, HUGE, complete-with-tears fit when my mom told her that I would not be allowed to have acrylic nails put on for the ceremony.

Close-up of acrylic nails | Source: Pexels
My step-aunt said she wouldn't have me in the wedding party if my nails did not match. She wanted me to have acrylics, which are difficult to put on/take off, and my mom to pay for them. About six months after this wedding, she ran off with my uncle's credit card and their next-door neighbor. She moved in with the neighbor and completely redecorated the house with my uncle's money.
39. The Bride-to-Be Threw a Fit
u/area___man: I had a friend lie to a girl getting married and tell her I booked my wedding the day before theirs. The bride-to-be threw a fit and started bawling her eyes out.

A woman screaming with her eyes closed | Source: Pexels
I got a call from her fiancé. It was hilarious. Frankly, if I hear through the grapevine that you will "freak out" if I get married before you, you've got it coming.
40. You Have to Gain Weight!
u/Gday_Slutdog: My sister-in-law asked her bridesmaids (me included) to gain 5-10 kilos to make her look better in comparison. I just can't understand that.

A confused woman | Source: Shutterstock
None of us did it, mainly as she outweighed the heaviest of us by 20 kilos anyway, so I doubt it would have made her look any different. She was serious and threatened to replace us if we didn't, but my significant other talked her down.
41. The Bride's Conditions
u/soundlife: My best friend's coworker is getting married later this year, and oh, man, this girl has some problems. She's very religious and "pure," which is fine if that's your thing. Whatever.

A woman praying with her eyes closed | Source: Pexels
However, she told my friend last week that she doesn't want anyone at her wedding who was born out of wedlock, which includes my friend, who is the daughter of a teen mom.
42. The Expensive Dress
u/[deleted]: My college roommate asked me to be a bridesmaid at her wedding. I agreed, but she chose a $2400 bridesmaid dress for me. I couldn't afford it and gently told her so. I found a pattern for a similar dress and fabric that was the same color and type, so I asked her if it was okay if I made a similar dress or if we could go shopping together to find something in my budget.

A dressmaker working on a white dress | Source: Pexels
She lost her cool, told me I was ruining her wedding, that her "vision" required me to wear THAT dress, and can't I just get a credit card to charge the dress on? She cut all contact with me when I told her no, claiming that I would make the finances work if I were a true friend. She's never spoken to me again. She'd been like a sister to me up until that point. One of the dresses she'd picked out for another bridesmaid was $300, by the way. I was angry when I found out.
43. She Was Late
u/theicecapsaremelting: My girlfriend was a bridesmaid for her friend a few years ago. The bride was two hours late to her own rehearsal, which was very aggravating to the professional staff at the church required to be there. It was equally aggravating to the restaurant staff, who were expecting a large party at 7:30 that showed up at 9:30 at a place that closed at 10. They refused to serve us any alcohol as a result, and I think her dad had to end up paying them a hefty fee for the incurred overtime and lost business from renting the place out but leaving it empty on a Friday night.

Empty seats in a restaurant | Source: Pexels
And then, when I thought it couldn't get any worse, she was 90 minutes late to her wedding because she was getting her hair done. The wedding party, priest, etc., stood there right on time. After 30 minutes, those standing up decided to sit down and announced that the bride would be there shortly. Children crying, people fretting. At least 20 people got up and left. I wanted to and would have if it were a friend of mine. She finally arrives, gets scolded by the wedding planner, the priests, and her parents, and doesn't even apologize. She interrupts everyone to say, "Excuse me, but this is my wedding! And I needed my hair to be perfect!"
44. The Outgoing Woman
u/azkit: I don't know if this counts, but my best friend's brother married a woman who used him for a wedding. He was a long-time (over 40 years old) nerdy but successful single guy who suddenly got engaged to this very outgoing woman. She planned and micromanaged a huge, expensive wedding.

A wedding planner | Source: Pexels
My friend was a bridesmaid and experienced a lot of terrible things. About two months after the wedding, this poor guy comes home to a half-empty house with a note saying she didn't want to be married after all.
45. The Flood Might Ruin Her Plans
u/[deleted]: A friend of mine who was about to get married was angry a few days before her wedding. Just before her wedding, a terrible flood hit a South American country.

A flooded road | Source: Pexels
The bride-to-be was angry because the natural disaster ruined her chances of getting just the right color of flowers for the centerpieces at her wedding.
46. We Were Stranded
u/lilfossie: We, the bridesmaids, were planning the bride's bachelorette. I suggested we go to my cottage for the weekend and go into town one evening for a big proper bash at a bar. It went over well. Since none of us had cars (we live in a big city), except for the bride and one bridesmaid who lived close to the cottage. We asked the bride or her fiancé to drive us to the cottage or the bridesmaid's place. She said okay. Phew, all going smoothly. We took public transport to the bride's place, and her fiancé drove us to the bridesmaid's place, who had a car.

A man sitting behind the wheel | Source: Pexels
On the way home, after the cottage, we were told they would only drive us (3 bridesmaids without a car, including me, who hosted the weekend) as far as the next big town. That meant we would all be stranded 3 hours from home while the bride got a ride back to the bridesmaid's house to wait for her fiancé to pick her up. We weren't allowed to go that far. So we were dropped off at a bus stop and took a bus home with all our gear. The bus took us over 5 hours with all the stops and connections. Overall, her reasoning was she was the bride and didn't want to drive at all for her weekend.
47. The Bridesmaids Should Spend Money
u/bunscrupulous: I used to be frenemies with this girl who asked me to be a bridesmaid for her lavish wedding ceremonies. She had always been self-centered, so whatever happened wasn't surprising. I won't go into much detail, but our biggest issue was the financial expectations she had of us. She expected us to spend over $2,000 each on outfits, gifts, showers, and travel. I'm willing to do many things for my friends, but I must put my foot down if those things threaten my financial security.

A woman looking at another woman talking to her | Source: Pexels
I would have been fine spending anywhere from $200-500. But $2000? No. Unfortunately, being the spoiled daddy's girl she was, this didn't sit well with her, and she felt I was not being "supportive" or a good friend. I was kicked out of the wedding party. Several weeks later, she and the MOH (my best friend) had a falling out about the same issues, and she and I both ended up dis-invited and de-friended. When I told her I couldn't afford everything she was asking of me, she said (and I quote), "Well, can't you just ask your parents for the money?"
48. My New Job
u/rheabs: One of my "best" friends was getting married, and I was to be a bridesmaid. I was between jobs then, so I took a temporary position at the company she worked for. About halfway through the job, I got an excellent opportunity for a full-time, permanent place in my field. It was competitive, so if I didn't take it right away, they could have easily given it to someone else just as qualified. I ended my temporary position with her company as gracefully as possible to start my new job immediately. She took this as an insult and dumped me as a bridesmaid.

A woman working on her laptop | Source: Pexels
She didn't tell me if I was invited to the wedding until the morning of the wedding. I took that as a hint that she didn't actually want me to go but didn't want to be the bad guy, so she waited until the last minute to let me know, thinking I would have other plans or wouldn't have enough time to get a dress or a date. To spite her, I got a fabulous dress that afternoon, got a date, went to the wedding/reception, and drank/ate as much as possible.
49. My bestie
u/Deleted user: I stumbled upon some social media posts and found out that my best friend of 20 years is getting married. She didn't even send me an invitation. I felt so betrayed. But that was just the beginning...A week later, her father insisted that I join them for dinner. It was odd, but I agreed.

Woman | Shutterstock
Her dad: "Tell my daughter the truth!"Me: "What? I'm confused."My bestie: "I didn't invite you to the wedding because there's been an inheritance dispute in the family. I found out through an affair I had with a lawyer connected to our family. He revealed secrets to me that I wasn't prepared for. We discovered a hidden camera in our family home, placed there by a relative to gather evidence against my father."
She took a deep breath before adding, "But the most shocking revelation was about us. The lawyer and I did a DNA test, and it turns out we are half-sisters. I didn't know how to face you with all of this. I wanted to tell you in person, and not on our wedding day." I sat there, processing the bombshell she had just dropped, understanding her actions yet overwhelmed by the multitude of secrets unraveling before me.
50. Betrayal of a best friend
u/Deleted User: My best friend was getting married soon, but she hadn't invited me. A couple of days before the wedding, I asked her about it.
Me: "Mary, did you forget my invitation?"

Crying woman | Shutterstock
She: "I can't explain right now, but trust me."
Then, on her wedding day, her bridesmaid sent me a message: "RUSH TO THE WEDDING ASAP. YOU NEED TO SEE THIS." I rush over, and I'm totally floored by what I see.
Me: "Why is my boyfriend wearing a wedding suit?"
Bride: "We meant to tell you... your "boyfriend" and I have been seeing each other for years. We didn't know how to break it to you, and I thought not inviting you would spare you the pain."
Tears filled my eyes as the weight of the betrayal hit me. I had lost not only my boyfriend but my best friend, too. It was a heartbreaking realization that they had chosen to hide their affair rather than confront it honestly.
51. Wild Wedding
u/Deleted User: I attended a wedding yesterday and had to share this wild story. In the middle of the wedding, the groom's elderly grandfather faints and is taken away in an ambulance. The bride starts crying and, in a rage, shouts, "That brainless old man ruined my wedding!" I thought that would be the peak of the drama, but oh boy, was I wrong.

Wedding | Shutterstock
While everyone was still processing the situation, the projector suddenly started displaying footage from a hidden camera. Turns out, the grandfather had set up a camera in the bride's house a month earlier. All the guests' jaws dropped at what they saw.
The groom, visibly shocked, turned to his bride, "Is this for real?! How could you do this to me?" The footage continued to play, revealing the bride secretly meeting with the groom's estranged brother.
They were seen discussing plans to manipulate the groom into taking a DNA test, believing that proving his illegitimacy would redirect the substantial family inheritance to them.
Further clips showed their romantic involvement, confirming an ongoing affair. The groom, devastated and betrayed, canceled the wedding on the spot.
The revelations of deceit shattered the family ties, leaving guests in stunned silence, and the day meant for celebration turned into a tale of betrayal.

Bride | Getty Images
These brides ensured their demands were met, even if that meant offending their bridesmaids or losing friends. Have you ever witnessed a bridezilla moment at someone's wedding? We would love to read about your experiences.